Saturday, March 31, 2012

Limblog post #1- a show announcement:

It's yours truly, The Limbs, with DICK DALE!!

Event link:

I've been barreling through the documentary Baseball by Ken Burns this week. I didn't get to see it when it aired. I'm loving it. Makes me want to follow baseball this year after not giving a damn for about a decade.

Moments after I finish watching the Jackie-Robinson-Brooklyn-Dodgers-rip-your-heart-out segment, I get called up by Manager Shelton. Needs me to load the bases for Dick Dale. Yes. Double yes. I go to Mr. Dale's website and smile:

Reverberation is amazing.

Thank you, Mr. Robinson.
Thank you, Mr. Dale.

I better watch what I'm paying attention to, or I'll be giggin' in a broken lifeboat in the North Atlantic with Rocky Balboa and Fantomex.

Probably wouldn't be so bad.
